Clay Place Cards

Clay Place Cards


These place cards require a little patience to make. They look great on your table and at the same time are a small, fine souvenir for your guests. And best of all: it's really easy.

Of course, you can also use the thalers for other purposes: as gift tags, for example, or as Christmas tree decorations. See more ideas below.

Click here for the DIY set for clay place cards. Everything you need to make the place cards is in there.



Anleitung für Taler aus Modelliermasse


This is what you need:

> Modeling clay (air drying)

> a shape to cut out

> Metal foil flakes

> Cookie stamps/letters

Here you can conveniently order all the material and instructions in one set.


That's how it works

1. Roll out the modeling clay a few millimeters thick.

2. Cut out circles.

3. Stamp the desired names onto the circles using the letter stamp.

4. Use your fingers to carefully press a few metal flakes onto the cut out circles.

5. Allow circles to dry.




> If you make a hole in the circle with a toothpick, you can use it as a gift tag.






Winter Ornaments

Wintertaler sind Platzkarten für ein festliches Essen, Deko, Geschenkanhänger und Christbaumschmuck - alles in einem. Und das beste: Sie riechen wunderbar weihnachtlich!

In die Modelliermasse knetest du gemahlenen Zimt ein, verzierst die Taler mit Sternanis und Nelken und stempelst Namen oder kurze Nachrichten ein.

Das geht auch prima zusammen Kindern!

Die Wintertaler gibt es hier als DIY-Set. Auf der Produktseite des DIY-Sets findest du weitere Ideen für die Taler.


Anleitung für Wintertaler



Some inspiration

You can also use your own cookie cutters and make stars, Easter bunnies, Easter eggs and so on instead of the circles. Or you could print small messages on your cookie cutters instead of names.


Ideen für DIY-Projekte mit Modelliermasse und Goldflocken


Goldtaler für verschiedene Anlässe: Jungesellinnenabschied, Ostern, Weihnachten, Taufe.


Ideen für DIY-Projekte mit Modelliermasse und Goldflocken


♥ Have you made your own clay place cards? Share pictures of it on Instagram and mention @miom_studio so I can see them and share your post! ♥


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