Upcycling Bunny

Upcycling Bunny




Upcycling-Bunny made of egg carton

The bunny head is an Easter decoration, a small gift or a finger puppet. You should be an experienced craftsman for this.

Upcycling-Hase Osterdeko aus Eierschachtel


This is what you need for a bunny:
egg carton
Hot glue
Decorative material and color as desired


Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung

1. Roughly cut out these three shapes from the egg carton: three cones, one with four wings. The large one with wings should be a cone from the left or right outside.


Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung

2. Cut the wings off the cone. You get four individual wings, two are slightly larger and two are smaller.


3. Now cut the wings to size: All wings need a clean edge in the curve that is curved upwards by around 1-2 mm. Cut off the two larger wings on the long edge just below the circle - these will be the eyes. Cut the smaller wings lengthwise through the circle - this will become the jaw.

Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung

4. Cut off all the cones neatly at the bottom edge.


5. Take a cone and cut it on all four sides: on two adjacent sides almost to the tip, on the other two sides up to approx. 1 cm in front of the tip. The side with the shorter cuts is at the top, the side with the cuts almost to the tip is at the bottom.

Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung

6. Now you attach eyes: Insert one of the larger wings onto one of the sides as shown and carefully bend the cardboard so that it fits. Half of the circle should be hidden. This is the eye.

7. To attach the eye, apply hot glue to the top of the eye part in a semicircle and adhere it to the top, inner side of the cone.

8. When the glue is dry, use more hot glue to attach the side of the cone to the wing.

9. Repeat steps 6 and 8 on the other side.


Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung


10. Next the jaws are inserted. To do this, add the smaller wings to the underside in the same way as the eyes.


11. Fold the side wings back and glue them in place.



Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung


11. For the ears, take the last two cones: press them flat and fold them in half.


Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung

12. Glue the ears together at the bottom: Apply hot glue to the inside right, inside left and in the middle. Press the ears together firmly until the glue has cooled.

Upcycling Hase basteln


13. Cut off both ears at an angle at the back as shown. Then you can unfold them slightly in the middle.

14. Now glue the ears onto the rabbit's head.

15. Finally, you can cut off the bottom side or fold it inwards. Your bunny head is finished!


Upcycling-Hase basteln - Anleitung

16. Decorate your bunny however you like!

Upcycling-Hase aus Eierkartons basteln


♥ Have you made an upcycling bunny? Feel free to share pictures of it on Instagram and mention @miom_studio so I can see it and share your post! ♥

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